Sunday, February 19, 2023

Another Driver in the House - Davis turns 16

Our guy that has been driving any and everything from as early as I can remember, finally got his license to drive.   Davis seems to love being behind the wheel, asking at every opportunity to drive where ever we go.   His birthday fell on a Sunday, and one where me and the girls were in Mobile for the AHG trip to the battleship.  But Sam took over in our absence, and put up streamers for him and even sang to him that morning.  They ended up having to do some yard work for Ms. Lisa on this day, so I don't know how much fun he really had...Me and the girls all got home around 10PM, and magan brought him a cake pop from Starbucks.   Happy Birthday Davis!

The next day was a School Holiday, so we met up with the Sartins at Defy to have some fun on the trampolines.   While Davis in age is 16, as I watched him and Eli, and my mentee from church Cash run around Defy, I think his heart is still about 12.   He is all smiles and flew farther than anyone else I saw coming off of the launch slide.   We hit Culver's afterwards for a good meal.   His presents were basically either toys or Car Stuff (Radio and lighting).   And he has already installed the new car radio and doing random other stuff in the truck that I have no idea what is going on.  After Defy and Culvers, we took on the Inverness Disc Golf course where Davis got to try out his new Dynamic Discs.

And that all leads us to the License test on Tuesday.   Which is Davis' story to tell, but my blog to write, so I have captured what I remember from this crazy day, but hearing it first hand is much better.   Hilarious.   

Magan rode with Davis to get his test, and as he checked in, the lady behind the counter started talking about how beautiful his lashes were.   She started talking about him being the next James Bond.   While waiting for a young girl in front of him to take her test, they spoke with an older gentleman that was there because his license was sent to him saying he was deceased.   "Well, you can see I am not" he declared waiting patiently to get his license updated.   

Shortly after this, Davis saw out the window that the girl in front of him had returned, but she was not driving, the person giving the test now had the wheel.   Then that girl got out of the car crying, yes, she had failed.   Which made Davis a little nervous, but he went our with the Testing lady to try and pass his test.   He said that he followed her directions, and after a few turns, the lady seemed to be more at ease and told him that previous girl could not drive at all and about killed them three times.   He said she actually told him she "about crapped my pants".    She said she had never had to drive the car back to the facility before.   Davis laughed and kept driving, and apparently he was driving well, and putting her at much so, that when she received a call, she answered it, and while giving him a direction here and there, spoke on the phone.   

It was here that Davis said, he over heard (as she had it turned up loud) the lady's doctor ask her "How is your stool", to which she replied "It has some blood in it, but it is bright red", as she pointed for Davis to turn back to the facility.   He got out of the van,  but was still talking to her doctor.   So when she finished, we found out he passed with no problems.   Magan said that he was about to bust a gut, but said wait till we get back to the car, I have a story for you.   But before they got to the car, the previously thought deceased man pulled up to Davis, and told him congrats, and that "I will watch one of your James Bond movies tonight...hehehehe".   

Davis drove from there to Sport's Clips where his fun day kept going.   The ladies there took one look at him and Magan said both started talking about how beautiful his eye lashes and skin were.   Hahaha, and he did get his first MVP experience when the full hair wash after the cut.   "It was amazing Dad".   I know son, I beautiful boy of mine.   :)  What a day!

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