Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Passing thru February

This month always goes by so much faster than the others.   Feels like I was just finishing last month's blogs, and here they come again.  And judging by all the fun things we did this month, I realize why we are so tired.  Our bad habits of slamming each day full are rubbing off on Sam, as I overheard him say the other day "Oh no, I have a free Friday, I need to find something to fill it before we get there".  Ha, oh well, plenty of fun this month, glad for each moment.  

Starting with the first picture below.   I am so glad Magan captured this, as she has many mornings with my time with Ruby.   That morning we got outside a little early waiting for the bus, but it was OK, because I brought out the blanket.   That is our time together where we can talk about the day, the lunch menu, who is clipping down, and all the other 3rd grade gossip.  She is funny and can hear that bus coming as soon as it turns into the neighborhood.   Not my ears, I don't hear it till I see it.   But on mornings like this, I dread hearing that sound, because it leaves me with only about 6 more minutes until it makes its way back out of the neighborhood.   Six minutes where we finish our chat, we give hugs, and then she runs down the hill to catch the bus.   And sometimes that is the end of our moment for the day, but sometimes...she sits on that second row on my side.   I see her slide to the window, and see her big smile once more, and we wave to each other until out of sight.  

And one other Ruby story, as she stayed up with me to watch the Season 5 finale of Cobra Kai.   We have found a kinship in this show when she realized that Tory on Cobra Kai was her favorite actress from "Hey Jesse" and "Bunk'd" on the Disney channel.  On that night, Sam joined me and her as we watched Johnny, and Daniel and Chozen fight the evil empire that is Cobra Kai.   We cheered as Sting Ray joined our heroes, and watched the set up for the final season as Sinatra sang "I want it my way".  The show ended late, so it was an immediate run to bed for prayers.   And as she was deep in prayers, Sam not knowing this was walking to her room singing "I want it my way" super loud, and she got so tickled she could not keep praying.   Sam came in and stayed with her, both of them giggling, till I finally had to leave.   But I stayed nearby getting the next load of clothes in the wash, and I heard them finally get it under control and say prayers, then I heard BIG dramatic hugs and kisses.   I am reminded daily with moments like this, that will become rare as Sam leaves for college this fall.   Both of those girls love Sam dearly, and he is the best big brother to them.   It will be tough when that day comes, but tough for all of us.  For now, we just enjoy the busy life we have, filling each moment with another experience.

So what is going on below this month...Let's see what else was happening...Davis finished another season of basketball.   He got some wide open free throw shots on an intentional foul, I would like to say he got his first points of the season, but I will just say he did get some rim on one of those 2 shots...Our youth group went to Hooligan's arcade one Sunday afternoon to play all you can play arcade for a few hours.  My nemesis was the Dolly Parton pinball machine where there was a clear goal of knocking down 5 obstacles to get to the prize.   I once got all 5, and needed one more hit to see what was the prize, but alas, the ball went thru the paddles, and the obstacles returned.   I never again got past knocking down 3 obstacles, so I will never see the prize that awaited that one final hit, I will just have to imagine what it could have been...A new baby was born to Makenna, one minute while I ask what it's name was.   It's name is Lincoln, and it is a boy...A fun visit with Eloise and Cecilia, I think Marcus and Emily were there, but no one pays attention to them.   Both of them look to be in that "I am not getting enough sleep" phase, which seems to last so far for us around 18 years and still going.   I loved playing with Eloise on the trampoline, but then turning her over to Davis that had more stamina...a young ladies gathering at church that Magan had helped coordinate...Belle went to a cooking class with Claire, while Ruby ran the marathon...Valentines Day dresses...Sam eerily fascinated by the magic cookie bars...friends in Cullman...Magan got to chaperone a middle school trip with Belle to the Birmingham Children's Theater.   Where they also found out how long it takes a Whattaburger to serve a bus load of kids with only one cook....random picture of a lot of kids at a funeral (Yep, Magan took this one while their dead grandpa laid nearby)...and some other random pics of moments in the life.   Goodbye short month with a difficult spelling.   

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