Sunday, February 26, 2023

Daddy Daughter Dance - The Living Library

These nights are magical, but the prep for these nights is amazing to see everything going on at our house to get ready for this one night.  This year Belle and others in her PiPa group helped with alot of the decorations.   They came over to the house for some folding parties, and magan had to double check many of these discount books she bought to make sure we didn't create inappropriate decorations.  

Granny and Granddaddy joined us again this year, and Granddad stayed with Belle this year, as I was Ron Weasley with Ruby dressed as Hermione Granger.   Belle was Katniss Everdeen from the Hunger Games.   And Magan was one of the girls from the other magic school in part 4 of the movies.   These nights are fun, but basically end up with the dads all chatting, and the girls all having a ball on the dance floor.   The craft table is always full as well.   

But the memories I treasure begin with one that I missed.   I went to the restroom early in the evening, and when I was returning, I heard the end of "Million Dreams" playing, and knew that I had missed a memory.   Ruby knew too, as she saw me as I walked back into the room, and we both shared a look.   She had been looking for me to dance with her on our favorite song where I usually swing her around just like in the rooftop scene of The Greatest Showman.   "I was looking for you" she said.   "I know, I am so sorry, I can't believe they already played it".   Only now as I write this, I have to get control of my emotions...Sorry my sweet Ruby.   I hope one day to spin you around on your wedding day to that song.   It's hard to think about what that day will be, a vision of the one I see, A million dreams is all it's gonna take, a million dreams for the world we're gonna make.

Then hearing Belle's song for the night "That girl is on Fire", I did not want to miss that one, so I grabbed belle and we danced as awkwardly as a Dad can dance with his 13 year old.   But she twirled and her dress really was "on fire" turning red.   A short few moments, but one I have put a case around, and dropped into the treasure box.   

And finally, the ever popular Chicken Dance, yet it was playing with a weird tune riding on top of it...but when I heard it, I found Ruby, and we started it, then many other girls joined in.   So there you go, that is my memories of a fun fun night each year.   One day if you girls stumble across this blog and these words, know that your dad loves you so much and would wear anything you guys told him to wear to be at these events.   And look at the pictures below and remember how much work your mom did to create these fun times.   

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