Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Spring Break - Chuck E Cheese

So many good memories in these blogs starts with a "hand drawn" picture from Chuck E Cheese like the one below.  While the boys were slowly recovering from the Wisdom Teeth extraction, me and the girls decided to have a day with the cheap mouse to visit on Spring Break.  They both let me know quickly that they did not want pizza or food from here, so I knew that was a no.   We were the first ones in the place when it opened, and quickly purchased two 60 minute cards with a bonus...during the weekdays, those cards came with a bonus 30 minutes for free.   Ruby and I learned last time that the pay by the minute was MUCH better and you could play way more games than the per ticket option, at least that is our opinion.  Plus you get to play all the games I would never let the boys play because they have no skill and just a waste of time.

Which is exactly what we did at the Spongebob coin game.   Haha, we sat at that machine for like 25 minutes to win three spongbob cards with absolutely no value or real benefit.   But did we have fun and cheer each time the coins pushed the card a little closer into our grasp, Of course!  Did we jump with hands in the air when Sandy finally fell into our hands?   Definitely.   

Other than that, there was a lot of skeeball, some basketball, some football...Oh, and I think the girls were off playing somewhere also, while I was playing with one of the free 30 minute cards.   Ruby and I played the water game shooting zombies, which is really fun!   Definitely my favorite, and you are shooting real water, so you get sprayed a little bit, but with two of you shooting at the zombies you can go pretty far.   Much better than me and Belle trying to play the GIANT space invaders game.   

So we actually ended up playing for almost 2 hours with some sharing of the cards.   It was really fun, but then our time had expired, and we got to select our prizes.   How many tickets can you get within 2 hours of games...1,462 tickets!!  Ruby was excited as she got a mystery character for her prize, and it ended up being Chuck E Cheese himself.   Belle got some mini toys, and I claimed the sponge bob cards.   And what did the girls want for lunch...Schlotsky's it is.   Lots of Albuquerque turkey, and a cinnabon we ate most of, but brought the middle back for Magan.   It truly is a place where a kid can be a kid, and judging from the looks I got from one mom and dad when I finished my Zombie game, I could tell they were wondering "Where is this kid's parents?"    

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