Monday, March 27, 2023

Spring Break - Wisdom Teeth

Magan laughs when she talks about the consultant conversation with the Doctor and the boys about their wisdom teeth.   Basically all their friends were going thru this same stage, so Magan set them up and appointment.   After looking at the x-rays, they all sat in the room with the Doctor, who first turned to Sam.   "Sam, you have excellent genetics, and only have two teeth that we will have to pull.  And they are on the top, which is the simplest to get.   Yours should be very easy to extract".   Then he turned to Davis, and his expression got more serious.   "Now Davis, yours will not be as easy.   You have all four, and the ones on bottom will need to be cracked and pulled out in pieces".   Magan said the look on Davis' face was priceless.   

So that was their preparation for this moment, then the morning came to get the procedure.   We had scheduled this during the Monday of Spring Break week to allow them to recover without having to miss any school.   They had mixed emotions about this, but both in hindsight agreed with this decision.  Sam was first in for the procedure, and me and Ruby drove him home.   No drugged craziness, just weird bandaged head for a quick ride home.   Magan came home later with Davis, who seemed to not have gone thru as well as Sam.   He later told us that as they were cleaning his arm for the IV, he started blacking out, and the doctors quickly helped him not fall over.   He tells this story best, so you guys will have to ask him if he remembers.   

So it was a fun first 2 or 3 days of nothing but snack packs and jello and yogurt.  Both of the boys were so happy when they finally started to nibble on real food.   I remember at one time, both boys got some cake, and said it would be find to just dissolve.  Sam recovered a little quicker, but as the doctor said, he had better genetics.  Me and Ruby played alot of board games in moms room or ruby's room to stay quiet.  I even went into the office to work so I wouldn't bother those guys during work.   But by the end of the week, we all went to see The Jesus Revolution at the theater, and had a full meal of Chinese for dinner.  The picture of Davis below showed a rare image of him being the last one still things are better, but he still had to nibble with his front teeth.   We felt like Marcia was with us eating.  And I am pretty sure Belle was with us this week, but she must have hid from the camera.   


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