Thursday, August 10, 2023

Back to School

Who reads the title to this blog, and sees Billy Madison singing?   Maybe just me, but it is that time again, and our front porch picture was one less this year.   Davis (Dear me Davis...when will all the drama end?) was upset because he thought we would stop taking this picture when Sam left.   Oh well, below we have the 11th grader so excited about school because he finally gets to go to Career Tech school and work on cars for half the day.   We have the 8th grader at the peak of the Junior High School, looking way to much like a high schooler, currently as I am writing this blog trying on dresses her momma wore in high school.  And my sweetest little Ruby Gooby that has again begun our tradition of sitting on these stairs together with me waiting for the bus.   Out of the three, I only trust Ruby to wake up and get ready for school each morning.  She has her lists laid out in different areas to ensure she gets what she needs.   And her first year to switch teachers from Mrs. Kent to Mrs. Clegg.   

There is some video somewhere of them telling Magan about their first day.   Magan has this thought that one day I will make some videos of these memories, but I don't have any time in the foreseeable future to work on this.   Sam sent us a picture of him on his 1st day of 1st year of college.   He also was able to go onto the field at Bryant Denny and be part of this big giant crimson and white A made up of all the Freshmen.  A little different with one missing, but alas, those are the days of our lives.   And yes, I could not help but include the picture of Eloise and CiCi that Marcus took, cause it was the cutest/funniest picture of Back to School that I have seen.    

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