Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Night with the Barons

Southern Company apparently bought a large grouping of tickets for the Baron's season, and were giving them out to anyone that was looking to attend.   We usually try to make at least one game a season, so I looked at what time we had left with Sam, and selected a Tuesday.  Then since they had plenty of tickets, I asked for 7 so that Grandaddy could come.   

The treat for the Baron's games is always eating at Tortugas and last year they had been closed due to a water issue.   So we may have been more excited for the pizza than the game, but arrived early to meet up with Sam and Granddaddy that would meet us there.   It worked out well because this was also a day to be downtown for one of Ruby's treatments.   I think we ended up with all 4 vehicles away from the house and parked at various locations to make this trip.  

I ordered two of the Chicago stuffed pizzas, one with just ham, and the other a supreme.   We have decided that this pizza is amazing because the sauce and cheese, so we don't need anything more than one topping next time.   But these pieces are massive, and I thought there was no way we could take down two of these...but we left NO leftovers.   I think this was Granddad's first trip to Tortugas.   

After the pizza, we made our way over to the stadium.   They were passing our free shirts to the kids, but only had youth large, so just Ruby and Anabelle got one.  But later Sam, knowing he was kind of skinny, went back and got one for himself, and haha, it actually fit him well.   So he and Ruby could be twinkies for the night.  We walked the loop and ran the bases at the activity area in the outfield.   We found the perfect spot to recreate a moment with Granddad and Ruby.   

After some time at the blow up area, we finally got to our seats 3 rows up from the visitor dugout.  Ruby always asks me if these are our real seats because she knows I like to just find empty ones sometimes and take those.   But they were really good seats that we had from SoCo.   That being said, when we looked around, I bet we were 7 of maybe a few hundred people...very light crowd.   So we could have sat in these seats anyway.   

The Barons were playing the Chattanooga Lookouts, and since there was such a small crowd, our family was on the big board during the national anthem.   All except for me, the pizza hit me hard, so I was in the bathroom, and did not know what to do during the National Anthem.   I must admit, I could not stand at the moment, but did put my hand over my heart.   We were about 20 feet from the camera man, so we were on the big board alot that night.   Granddad was a cowboy, and we got him up there.   Davis showed his belly on the big board when they were getting everyone to show their muscles.   Belle and Magan were on there at another random moment.  

I love these moments at baseball games, and was so happy Granddad got to be with us on this night.   I think he may have tried the lasso while being a cowboy early in the game...there is a video somewhere.  It was a back and forth game that we had to leave in a tie after the 9th inning.   Being a school night, and me an into work day, I could not stay out longer.   I read the next day that the Barons won in the bottom of the 10th, by two.   I don't know how they one by 2...maybe it was a homerun.   Another fun baseball night.

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