Saturday, August 19, 2023

Dropping Sam off at College

From Magan's Facebook Post:  We did it!  Thank you for your prayers.  I felt the peace in the pain of change.  I’m so proud and excited for him!  He gets to make new memories in Tuscaloosa and we get to make new memories in Chelsea and enjoy sharing both together each time we see each other.   So far I know he’s played Rook, basketball, and ping pong with some new friends.  Tomorrow he officially starts his first day!  The day we moved him in Davis came home and moved into his bed and drawers and Belle moved into his desk. Davis thought he got a room to himself but he swapped Sam for Belle at the extra desk in his room.  He’s thrilled about that, as I’m sure you can imagine.

And I am sure Sam is warning all his college friends not to connect with his mom on BREAL.   But on this day Magan did very well, we did get some of the crying out the night before, so all was good on this morning.   Bags were packed, and we headed out, all of us in the van, and him behind us in his car riding with Davis.   Our plan was to eat lunch together at Chick-Fil-A for lunch on McFarland, then take him to his move in time at 2PM.  Then we found out that CFA was a drive thru only, so instead of going to a restaurant, like the Olive Garden that we parked at, we instead walked over and got our order, and ate in separate vehicles parked next to each other.   A great last family meal before college.

The move in process was extremely smooth. We parked in front of his dorm, and a team of people helped unload everything from both vehicles into a bin.  Then as Magan, Sam and the girls took his stuff up to the dorm room where the loaders moved the stuff into his room, Davis and I drove the vehicles over to park.   The maps were taking all of the parents to park at the RV parking lots, but since we know this campus well due to our parking jobs, we headed instead over to the Shelby Mac lot where we found easy parking spots much closer and within walking distance to the dorm.   

Then we began the task of getting Sam's room ready.   He may have been one of the few with actual curtains.   There was a giant fight at our house where Magan wanted Sam to take a Pillow Sham, and I had to sit both of them down separately to talk about college boys and mothers, and how they are both going to drive me insane unless they give one another a bit more space.   I really miss Sam, but dear me, I am happy for the lessened drama about what all a momma thinks he needs with him in his dorm room.   

After fixing up the room, we left all together to drive over to the stadium for some pictures with the elephant.   And there were hugs there, then hugs again when we got back to our cars.   I don't think Magan cried much if at all.   My tears were months back as I realized this day was coming, mine came with some severe tightness in the chest.   Maybe heart attack syptoms...if you guys are reading this and I have recently died of a heart attack, take notice...maybe see a doctor when it happens.   But never, and I repeat never, try and force your son to take a pillow sham to college.

We stopped at an extremely slow Dunkin Donuts on the way home, and I had to get a picture of Belle and her Matcha Latte.   It says it is a green tea powder, but based on the taste, I know there is some ground up lawn grass in there.   So nasty.   

So Magan asked the kids what they would miss about Sam being at the house...and what they would not miss.   Belle:   I will miss his backwards kiss, but not miss his baby farts.   Ruby:  I will miss my only nice sibling.  Mom:  I will miss his laugh.   Davis:  I will miss him doing the cat litter (or cat butt), but will not miss him taking over the downstairs bathroom for showers each morning.  Mom:  All the girls will not miss Davis in the upstairs bathroom next year because he is cranky in the morning.   He is going to take over the basement bathroom.  Belle and Davis came straight home to claim their new spaces.   Belle cleaned out a desk drawer and moved her stuff into Sam's old desk.   And Davis moved all his stuff onto Sam's old bed.  

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