Sunday, August 27, 2023

Scout Whitewater Trip

Just another scout weekend on the Ocoee.   We left late on Friday night to arrive at our campsite at midnight local time.   Then after setting up the dining flys and our personal gear, it was 1:30AM and time for bed.  I parked the van at the camp site parking lot and went to bed...never realizing the craziness some of the other adults were having that night.   

One of the other dads had been having some pain with kidney stones, and ended up passing out next to his van.   This is bad, but what was worse is that he was half in the main road where vehicles are passing at about 35-40 mph around a curve.   Luckily, another dad found him, moved him out of the road, then two dads took him to a nearby emergency room near Blue Ridge GA.   We saw this "hospital" the next morning, and it is a bit sketchy...but the dad got the pain medication he needed and was picked up by his wife the next morning.   Our two dads that took him to the ER got back to the camp at 5AM.   

We woke and had a good breakfast the next morning, then packed up some sandwiches and drove over to Rolling Thunder for our rafting adventure.  I was in a different boat than Davis, but was trying to help one of our younger scouts be brave about this rafting adventure.  It was really fun as always, but two things I remember very well about this trip.   One was where our boat was "surfing" by being held into a waterfall by some suction until another boat would knock us out of that spot.   And that boat just happened to be Davis' boat, and I watched him smiling as his boat just slammed directly into me and our side to knock us out of the way.   Two was rolling thru the last rapid before the final Hell's Hole, and seeing Davis just floating in the river.   He was smiling but quickly getting over to the left so he did not have to go down Hell's Hole without a boat.   He had fallen out during the rapid right before.   He thought it was great, but his telling of it scares me.   

My good friend Shawn Rumsey was with me in the van the whole time, and always makes these trips better when I get to ride with him.  I yelled at him to take this Cremation picture below...I saw it last year, but did not get a picture.   Cremation with Confidence...Live Well, Pre-Arranged, Leave Well.   Who is advertising this?  What is going on in North East Georgia?   Anyway, back at the camp, the kids cooked some tacos for the troop meal.   Adults had a really tasty gumbo.   

The next morning, we got packed and out in a hurry.   So after a morning devotion from John Samuel on wisdom coming from God, we quickly cleaned up camp and headed home.   Davis saved me from backing into someone at a gas station, Thank You Davis!   And we were home by 12:30PM on Sunday...a quick meal with Davis at Huddle House, then finally home for a shower and a nap.   

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