Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Lessons from Mayberry

This year we were able to squeeze in two nights of "Lessons from Mayberry", and Rick May (the one that brought this lesson series to my attention) was able to be there both nights to lead the discussion.  I am glad to have the older men of our congregation willing to come and connect with these young people, and I am greatly appreciative of what a great friend and brother he has become to both Sam and Davis.   

I was unable to be there for the first nights lesson, but it was "Opie's Hobo Friend", starring Buddy Epson from the Beverly Hillbillies.   Of course, none of the kids had any idea about that, but they did enjoy the lesson around following the rules, even when a friend may not make those same decisions.   And the 2nd lesson was "Barney and the Choir", which is still very funny.   Don Knotts was like the Will Ferrell of those days...even trying to be serious, he is amazingly funny.   

Magan always feeds the kids well at these events, and we are glad to host and let the kids have fun playing games afterwards.  It was a few less kids than we have had in the past, but all the kids enjoyed it.  You can tell that Magan had control of the AC on these evenings and kept it freezing cold...I think she got the air down to 74.   I continue to include the B-Real pics in here...it will be like an artifact of time, we will see how long this app stays in business.   As for now, and on Magan's phone, it is doing quite well.  

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