Saturday, November 4, 2023

Magan of the Past (A Day Cleaning the Garage)

All of the pictures below were in one box in the garage.   Mine have been thrown in the garbage, and I am sure these are on their way soon...but I wanted to capture these pictures and trophies as they tell their own story of Magan...

They tell the story of a beautiful girl that often was voted class beauty, seemed to be a permanent fixture of the homecoming court, and was a friend to all the girls as the large number of Miss Congeniality trophies exclaim.   A homecoming queen and a beauty pageant winner, there is probably a reason my face was not included in the pictures below...but instead the quarterback, the star point guard, the starting center, and an infamous goat raper (sorry, inside joke for Magan and I to continue to laugh at later in life).   But as I took these pictures, and had a fun conversation with Ruby about her mom dating many other boys, my little girl hugged me and said "Well, she found the best one".   Wow, yep, that got me.   

They tell the story of a secret science nerd that actually liked competing in the science fair.   She won those things, and has the trophies and ribbons to prove it.   That was way too much work from what I remember, but that is Magan, not afraid to outwork anyone.   And a few math team trophies in that pile as well.   The first time I attempted to flirt with this beauty was on a math team trip to decatur, and while I had just starting dating someone else, I remember looking into the back seat of Alan Scott's car and seeing that smile and those eyes...those amazing eyes...and getting lost for just a bit.   And then I remembered that I was on the math team for math, and while she was super smart, I think she was just here for the decatur malls and the galleria visits.   

They show a girl that has always been a great team player.   Whether in the color guard, the concert band, the basketball team, or volleyball team, or maybe even for the softball team (WHAT?   When was this?), she was a leader...She was best team support...She was 3 4!

And lastly, they show the servant leader she was through the rotary club award below.  But also with Student Government and looking to help others (Yeah, that was not me...) with any free time she had.  

And so there it is...a few pictures that show a Magan of the past.   I did not get to be the boy in the pictures below, nor was I the boy when she earned all these trophies.   But I have loved every minute of the 25 years since she first kissed this boy in a magical Kmart parking lot.   

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