Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Ruby's Veteran's Day Concert

Dad: Ruby, What do you remember about this night?  I was gone in Missouri.   

Ruby:  I sang the the Marine Force song for my part.   Kailey kept forgetting to close the door on the van.   She left it open at Arby's and Davis had to go close it, and she left it open at the choir concert, and I saw it before we went in.   

Belle:   And your hands were soaking wet, you kept wiping them while on stage

Ruby:   No I didn't.   But my choir shirt was so long, it was like a dress.   And the boys never sang up there.   Even when we were practicing, the boys did not sing.   

Dad:  Anything else?

Ruby:   The walmart pickup after the concert took the LONGEST time...

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