Saturday, November 11, 2023

Veteran's Day Family Gathering

 Our trip back to Cullman was mainly to see Tanya and Joe, but it began with a trip to see Nanny, and that began with a trip to Walmart to pick up these fun Squishmallows that you can wear.   I think Magan was surprised when she told me about them on clearance for $10, and I quickly said "I want one, and get one for all the kids".   I mean a wearable squishmallow...can live get better?   And I would have paid three times that to see the sweet smile of our Nanny, and to hear her laughter as we came in.   Well worth it.   

Loved getting to sit and visit with Nanny, as it seems previous visits are cut short for this or that...or at a large family gathering where nanny time must be shared.   But here, we had her all to our own, at least until Marcus and the girls stopped in.   But those girls are the sweetest, and worth sharing Nanny time with.   I used to love coming home with Magan, spending the night at Nannys, and sitting in this room telling stories of the far away lands of Dothan.   And now, my time is often after a meal, when I am halfway into a coma by dessert.   Nanny did try to put us in a coma with some amazing cornbread she had ready.   Sam did not make it to Cullman this weekend, and he missed the cornbread.   

We later made it over to Granny and Granddad's to see Tanya and Joe.   It will be nice when they are closer to home, but for now, they are the celebrities from the far away country of California.   And the Squishmallows were a hit here as well with the little girls.   Andrew liked them too, but he wanted you to "punch him" when wearing the squishmellow.   A good visit with family.   Wish Sam could have been there.

And then he was.    Actually he was meeting one of his friends to go to a Haunted House that Saturday night, and we got home early enough to see him before he left.   So the day was all the more better for an hour or two of Sam time.   

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