Thursday, November 23, 2023

Thanksgiving and the Flu

 I am pretty sure that if you look through all of the blogs of Thanksgiving over the years, you will find this one with a strangely low number of pictures, and that was because sickness hit our house shortly before Thanksgiving, taking out Ruby for over a week, and then right at Thanksgiving, taking Belle out well.   Both were running up to 102 degree fevers, and Ruby's lasted for a full 7 days.   But me and the boys made it home for both family gatherings.   Fixed many to go plates, only to hear later about all the stuff I had not gotten for the girls.   My favorite times were with Ellie, Bella, and Andrew with magic tricks and playing the little hockey game.   I also grabbed a great image of Marcia eating at the table below, she said it was her favorite.   Marcia and I managed to put the kids and Nanny all in one picture.   And we ate more than we should have all day long.   

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