Monday, February 19, 2024

Birthday and Bulldogs

I may still have him by an inch in the height, but if you look at us side by side, I think he is definitely bigger, which makes me feel like he may also be taller too.   I think I finally got his birthday correct this year, even though you would think that the 17 years would make me think 2/17 more.   It was somewhat of a crazy birthday though, we had to wake up at 5AM to get moving to a College visit at Mississippi State.   It is strange to begin these college tours so shortly after doing them with Sam.   But it makes for some great trips with the boys, and rare times with just me and Davis.

On campus, Davis got to see Bully, and then we went to an Orientation session, where we were one of the last ones, so we had to sit one in front of the other.   I will admit, I fell asleep somewhere during this presentation about MSU being all about family.   Instead of the campus tour provided by the school, I showed Davis around myself.   We saw all of the Engineering Buildings, I showed him all thru the library, and we even walked through the Swalm chemical engineering building.   It was national chemistry week, and I got to show him my chemistry class I had at 8am on MWF of my first semester.   That classroom seemed so much larger back then.   Dr. McMahon...look at that, the memory wheels are working tonight.   

We did a session on Engineering, then found our way over to the Perry Cafeteria for some unlimited food.   And me and Davis did our best to get as much as we could.  Wow, we ate too much.   We visited the book store, and saw the weird collection of clocks from the Wade family.   We toured the Sanderson center, where I shared with him the same stories I shared with Sam...the amazing ping pong room, the amazing raquet ball courts, and the amazing pom squad girls dance room.   And before we left, we made it back to the student center to grab some ice cream before we left.   As I struggled to eat my ice cream leaving campus, Davis told me of a crazy story about Uncle John eating cereal every day on the way to work...strangely impressive.   

We had actually just left Sam at our house on this morning, but he was heading back to Tuscaloosa for class midday on this Monday.   So on our way home from MSU, we stopped at the Ferguson to meet up with Sam.   I really did not want to stop, and actually thought Sam would tell us to keep going, because we had just seen him all weekend, but he said "Sure, let's meet up"...and we did.   It is amazing to watch those boys.   I am so glad we stopped because as we sat and ate a cup full of Auntie Annie's pretzels, i just sat back and listened as Davis told of his day, and Sam told of his day, and they both laughed at each others stories.   I almost hope Davis gets to come here as well, they are good friends still, and I think they do miss each other a bit.   We walked down to the store for a bit, I think there was a joke about Davis needing one of the Alabama sports bras.   And it was here that Sam finally got his valentines card from the university PO box...little late.   

Back at home, we celebrated Davis with some requested Dole Floats.   Pineapple Juice with vanilla ice cream, because those are the best.   Davis laughed to get a giant squishmellow, loved getting his new carhardt coat, and while I can not for the life of me remember what we were laughing about at the table, that is what I remember about this day...great day with Davis, but even more fun watching him laugh with his brother and sisters.   Happy Birthday Dave!  Belle did all the streamers.   

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