Sunday, February 11, 2024

Youth Bowling and Super Bowl Watch Party

We have not had a gathering with our youth in quite a while, so I set up a bowling and laser tag day after services one Sunday.   Only later did I realize this was also Super Bowl Sunday, so we tied it into our annual watch party at the Kolb's house.   So could these kids handle a full day of fun with each other, most definitely.   

Few memories from this day...A surprisingly quick trip to Wendy's for lunch, where everyone got their food fairly quickly.   Then at the Bowling alley, it was good that I had reserved lanes early, because they were booked with multiple birthday parties.   So I quickly ran over to the laser tag to get some times booked, and those were all completely booked.   But after talking to the workers there, I found that their ropes course would be cheaper and the kids got as much time as they wanted up there...Who are the best bowlers?  Baker Speer and Brandon Rawls, but it was known, when they both brought their own balls and gloves into the alley...The ropes course I think was fun for all of the kids, but even more fun for me to stay below and watch.   My favorite from this day was Cash trying to get over one area with a spinning bar below him.   He kept slipping and falling, and it was hilarious each time.   

At the Kolb's house, there was billiards, and two watch parties, adults upstairs and kids downstairs.   There was a group playing cards, and many just hanging out.   Cash had the shirt of the night with "Go Taylor's Boyfriend".   Ruby got to join us and play with the dog, which is her friend.   I bought way too much pizza, as usual.   I don't think any of us really liked the Usher halftime show, but there were alot of really funny commercials.   Maybe the Arnold Swarzanegger (spell check gave up on me here) commercial for state farm with him trying to say Neighbor was one of the best.   And then in overtime, the Chiefs win again.   Taylor Swift celebrated on the field with Travis Kelce, and it was time to go home.   Magan and Davis and I drove on that night, and all of us will remember the torrential downpour that had us barely able to get out of the neighborhood to get home...and all soaking wet from just the run from the house to our cars.  


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