Saturday, February 24, 2024

Kid's Marathon

The mercedes sponsorship has ended for the Birmingham marathon runs, and thus a shift of the kids marathon to Spain Park, and a renaming to the Blue Cross Blue Shield Kid's Marathon.   Ruby was a little hesitant to run this year, because it is always more of a treat to run downtown.   But she has been running since kindergarten in this race, and now committed to run her last year no matter where it is at next year.   After arriving at the school, where I had reviewed the email, and studied where to park and where to take Ruby, Magan began to question about whether we needed to check her in or were going to the right spots.   ARGH...Magan, you kill me sometimes.   So anyway, I believe I was able to keep my inner serenity in check as we got Ruby over to the start line.   

Then Magan and Belle went up to the stadium for the finish line, while I walked over to get a picture of the start of the race, where I did not see her run by, but later when I talked to her she said "I saw you Dad", and I guess sometimes that is more important.   I did find her in the video I took, and you might be able to spot her in a few of the screenshots I pulled.   Ruby finished her mile in a little over 11 minutes, which I thought was pretty good.  She got her medal that she was able to put with her collection, and we headed off to watch Peter Pan in Hartselle.   She will remember that this was the first year we did not go to Jim N Nicks afterwards, because they no longer had the free kids meal coupon on her racing bib...but we did get it later in the month, and celebrated her run again on that day.   

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