Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Skills USA - Davis goes to Mobile

 Since Davis placed 1st at the regional Skills USA competition in the "Customer Service" category, he got the opportunity to travel with his CTEC school down to Mobile for the state competition.   While it is a competition, his teacher does not really care to much for this stuff, and said it is just to have fun.   So I think him and his buddies did just that.   They got out of school for three days, took a charter bus to Mobile (all expenses paid by the Boston Butt sale earlier in the year) and even got to visit the USS alabama while down there.   

Davis did take the required picture in the machine room of the battleship, and said he was the designated tour guide there.   They did find a gun on the submarine that his group realized could still be raised and lowered...so of course, they would put one guy sitting on the gun, and the rest would spin the wheel to raise him up.   

One food truck for hundreds of kids at the battleshop, so after they got back to the hotel, they all ordered food from Uber.   His friend Logan spent like $80 on sushi.   Davis did not place at the competition, but he really didn't care much, was just happy to be there.   Sam did not get to go until his Senior year.   I don't remember any other stories shared...one picture shared that I told him never to share again.  haha.   I'll let you ask Davis about that one.   

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