Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Frills of April

Lots of pictures from Ruby's choir concert, and she did excellent as always.   We met up with her friend Olivia and family at Jeremiah's afterwards...I bought a full load of sod for the front yard, and love when Davis helps, as he also finds the easiest ways to work.   I was proud of both him and Ruby for jumping out there to help.   Ruby came out with her work shoes and gloves on and asked "What can I do"?   And she did alot lifting many of the bags of top soil for me...Shortly after Easter, Ruby wanted to hide eggs at night with her new glow in the dark eggs.   But we laughed when she came out and clearly saw all 12 in the backyard that I had hidden.   So, I don't really know how you are supposed to hide these eggs....We had a small group meal at our house...There was an eclipse...Sam saw the Griswolds at UA, and may have gotten a free meal...We found a new pizza place...There was an Alice and Wonderland theater show at the high school...and somehow the ladies at church got together after services to go do some bungie training one day...And that was a few of the things going on during this month.   

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