Friday, March 7, 2025

Days and Nights in a Short Month

This month included our last small group meeting with the group from 2024.   We had a really good group, and always have a good turnout.   I would like to say it is because of my organization and communication, but it is clearly because of Magan's food and preparation.   Davis provided the devotion on this day and talked about fixing the MeeMaw Impala when some water was getting into the vehicle.   He shared how he found the source and was able to fix the issue.   Then compared this with sin that can come into our life.   "Where is the SIN, getting IN?"   Find that source and block it.   After the small group, me and my mentee Grant Dabbs went to Bass Pro and Buccees to hang out a little bit.  

Magan and the girls had an interesting visit to Villaggio Colefrancesco.  "Next to the Vatican in Rome, a very famous, small Italian Gelato/Ice Cream Shop has a block-long line even at midnight most nights. Old Bridge Gelato is coming to Shelby County, Alabama and is the only Old Bridge in the United States. Along with gelato, you will be able to experience the best Italian coffee at The Italian Coffee Shop."  And while the quote is from their website, they also are connected to the somewhat cultish group that live out on Hwy 43 near where there is a tree that supposedly has the face of Mary in the trunk.   So I am not passing judgement, just sharing that this place is unique and somewhat strange to our family.   In that during a visit to get some gelato, they saw a lady at the gelato stand, then when they walked next door, she also was at the coffee area, then in another building she was selling chocolate.   Then later Magan said how comfy it felt in the restaurant with a fireplace, but Ruby said "Yeah, comfy, except for that lady looking directly into my soul" referring to a painting of the mother Mary.   Haha...alot of words for the Ruby line, but they all kept laughing at this story, so perhaps there is more that happened, and this will just help spark those memories later.   

Davis had a great month, getting to go with his church mentor to the Black Jacket Symphony presentation of a Journey album at the BJCC.   He was also named the CTEC student of the year, which gives him some more opportunities for scholarships.   He also went with me to an "Alabama in your Town" event where he got his picture with Big Al, and after meeting and chatting with a lady there, she introduced him to the President of the University, Dr. Stuart Bell.   We later found out that she was Assistant Vice President, and had clout to get Davis a VIP tour the next weekend when he was already coming to Tuscaloosa to see Sam.   She also had some connections to Dothan and sent me the recipe for the Conestoga steak marinade.   You never know the connections you might make, and this one has some potential for perhaps recognition of other scholarships.   Only time will tell, but as I write this in the future...I think Davis will have another great month in March.   Sam and Davis had a fun weekend, but I guess only watching Alabama beat North Dakota State fell within February.   If I forget next month, they also got to meet James Spann that Saturday.   

From Magan's facebook post regarding Ruby's valentine box..."Poor Ru, no one knew what her V-day box was. Not even the librarian!  They all thought it was BFG, it is NOT.  Anyone know what it is?  She did so good on it and did it all by herself.  It was kind of sad but also kind of hilarious. "   Ruby was hilarious talking about how sad it was that no one had any idea about this book that is a classic at our home.   And she did such a good job on it.   I thought it was great, and I think me and her have both been close to tears reading this book at night.   It did make her happy to read everyone's responses on facebook that knew the book and thought her box was great.   Ruby also ran the 6th and final race of her elementary Kid's Marathon races.   She ran it pretty quickly in about 11 minutes, and she is not at all interested in the 5K with Dad next year.   But we did get to eat at JimNNicks, as it is tradition.   They brought us so many rolls on that day, but the beans tasted weird.  And finally the sweetest baby in the world at our church, Charlotte, had matching dresses with Ruby.   I asked Ruby if she saw they were matching, and she just lit up with the biggest smile and said "YEAH, and I got to hold her".   

And some random memories...The girls celebrated Galentines with the ladies at church...A fun lunch with Granddaddy at Martins BBQ.  Expensive little sandwich but very good...A stupid video of our cat playing with a new toy got more likes and views than anything Magan has ever posted, speaking volumes about the upcoming end to our society...Magan made everyone happy with some valentines presents, and Davis bailed me out by bringing some flowers home "from me"...My days on the porch with Ru are still the highlight of my day, and I will never forget the few days when I see her little hand waving from that second row on the bus as she heads toward school...I got to speak for a group of Procurement Engineers at a conference in Tampa, so I was able to watch one sunset and get my toes in the sand...a fun lunch with Ruby, another fun experience that will come to an end after this year of school...A fun time with the girls celebrating Lisa's Birthday, and going with her for all the freebies...Troop 354 assistant senior patrol leader Brayden Smith passed the Thor Hammer over to Chase Morrow after the elections this month.   Brayden mentioned that this tradition was initiated by Sam Junkin, who printed the hammer. Sam laughed when I told him the tradition was continuing....A short month, but as always, very full.

Conestoga Steak Marinade...3/4 Cups of Dales Sauce, 1/4 Cup of red wine vinegar, dash of Tabasco Sauce, 3 Tablespoons of Liquid Smoke, 4 dashes of garlic salt, 1/2 cup of Lemon Juice, 3 to 4 Tablespoons of butter...Simmer on stove and let cool before using.   

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Show Choir Season - February

In Belle's second month of Show Choir, we had an exciting competition "King of the Mountain" at Oak Mountain.   There group did a great show, and Magan had her camera to get some good pictures and video, but when they turned out the lights, Magan had no idea where the button was to turn on the video.   But that competition was nice as Noel and Sam joined us to cheer on our Show Choir lady.   This was my first opportunity to watch all the other shows, and it was really pretty fun.   The "Lumberjacks" from Auburn (an all male group) were hilarious with a whole show around lumberjack songs.   And some girls from Enterprise had a fun show with 4 lead girls that did a great job with their solos.   Then, altho they were not in the competition because they were the home school, Oak Mountain's show choir performed.   And I have no idea what story they were trying to tell, but there was a lot of dead girls lying around, at some point I believe Satan danced through the girls, and I can't remember anything else, other than being glad Belle did not go to school here.   I bet many people had to go forward at church the next day, because this was weird and had a strange devil vibe.   Anabelles group ended up with 2nd place, and I did not get the see the 1st place group, but from the other parents, I heard it was earned.  

They next woke up extremely early for a competition in Auburn.   Magan found a ride with Brandon and Ashley, happy not to have to drive all the way down there.   I think this was the Ruby marathon day, so I did not have we did not get to go.   But at this show, they had the same judge that was at Albertville, and another judge that is not a fan of the theatrical shows, and thus, they were in last place.  I am sure there was a lot of drama, but I missed it.   I did get jealous seeing that Magan had some Mamma's Love from Mama Goldbergs.   

And the last show of the season is not a competition, but a final show for the parents at Chelsea.   Unfortunately, I was out of town for this final show.   And really did hate to miss this one, but the whole church family showed up in force to watch our 4 girls and 1 guy perform "Out of the Blue" one last time.   Belle is really blossoming in this theater and show choir arena, and this Showtunes Dad really loves to watch.   And from some exciting news she keeps sharing with us, this freshman at Chelsea is going to be in the spotlight a little more!