Thursday, August 7, 2008


Ahhhh, this was like in 1999

As I folded a million clothes and the kids played at my feet this morning, I started thinking about love.
There are so many forms of it and so many ways to describe it. So this post could be extremely long if I wanted it to be.
But in my thought process I was evaluating my love for Scott and how we show one another our love.
Two of my friends in the past (who just so happen to both be Haley ladies) have described it two ways that I think about often.
Becky said "I show him love every day in the little things, like turning his socks right-side-out before I fold them." Vicki said "He shows he loves us when he sneaks quietly out the door to work and I hear his key slide into the lock and lock it back to keep us safe as he leaves."
So on the days that Scott and I don't get to tell one another we love each other or even show one another we love each other. I think of those "little things" Hence the name of the blog. Then that settles my mind and helps me when I feel less than appreciated or that I my job as his wife may be falling behind to keep up with my job as mother, friend, sister, daughter, etc.
As I folded clothes I thought (What things DO I do to show Scott I love him without using words.) and (What does he do for me?)
This will not be all of the things he does, but it will be a few things I want to remember often.
He shows his love when he points out, as often as he thinks of them, places that I need to be extra careful to keep me safe. Like an intersection or stop sign. He is the type of guy who looks out for me when I am not paying attention to where I am going. There have been many times that he has kept me from running smack into a pole while walking (graceful I know) He also puts a hand in front of me or leads the way while in a crowd to keep other people from running over me.
When he knows I have had a hard day, he will take the kids without my asking to play some place different.
I think for him, his first instinct isn't always to give me a hug or a kiss, but to try and help me in some way.
He also cleans out the dishwasher or folds the laundry when he sees I haven't gotten to it. Which is such a nice break from my everyday routine.
I on the other hand know that he would most like my attention.
So I guess I show him my love most when I take time to sit down and spend time with him. Whether it be on the couch or outside or even going some place. Scott gets stir crazy when we have spent a few Sat. in a row doing normal every day things. He loves to get out and take a drive to anywhere.
For him attention doesn't always mean that we are talking about something in depth, it just means that I am there with him.

I think we compliment one another in these things. I try to over do on the everyday things and he reminds me to slow down and enjoy our family.
He would prefer going some place fun every time he is off work and I help bring him back to reality.
Both things are very important, but it is just as important to remember this quality in each other.
I look forward to the years ahead with him! I hope that God sees fit for me to keep him by my side the whole way through my life here on Earth. I love him so much and I REALLY don't know how to live my life without him.

Almost 10 yrs. later :)


Cude said...

Soo sweet. We all need to remember to appreciate and purposely show love to our spouses, and thank God everyday for giving us each other. Thanks for reminding me. Leslie

Anonymous said...

Ya'll are such a sweet couple. All those little things do add up to big rewards in your marriage. I hope the next 10 years are as wonderful as the first for you and Scott. Have a great day!

Anonymous said...

I am changing my blog page to invitation only. Please send me your e-mail address and I will log you in.

Magan said...

Hey Vicki! I don't have your e-mail address in my account for some reason, but this is my e-mail so that you can add me: