Sunday, August 2, 2009

It’s a Girl!...?...

Actually the message was provided to us by the nurse preceded by “yep, there’s the three lines”. Not being prepared for this technical jargon, I remained stunned throughout the delivery of the message that I would be having a girl.

I don’t know what to feel at times in life that others are so excited. The standard congratulations are given by all, with a general excitement that is overwhelmingly toppled by my anxiety over the unknown. I think there is just something within me that wants a boy because I am one, but now I have produced a female which, similar to the popular “Kid Sister” dolls of the 80s, seemed to be better friends with the girls. The commercials never showed little Scotty running up to grab his kid sister doll, No, he had the “My Buddy”. Therefore society has not prepared me for this news.

Magan has explained to me different things to be aware of for our little girl as she is an infant and toddler….I have read Stephen King’s book Carrie at the age of 11 leaving me quite troubled about female adolescence…and have observed my sister through the later teen years…and all of these thoughts are bouncing through my head causing a slight dizziness as I smiled and left the doctor’s office.

But now as I write this, I remember the smile on my friend Andrew Neal’s face as he tells me stories about his little girls…I remember that Carrie was just a work of fiction, and that my little girl most likely will not develop telekinetic powers and set fire to her classmates after having bad adolescent experiences…and see my teenage sister is now grown into a hard-working young lady…and I know I am ready to see my little girl.

I love her already. I look forward to meeting my little princess. Look forward to waiting in the hour and ½ lines to see Tinkerbell. Look forward to spoiling her…just a bit. Look forward to holding that little hand and knowing she may be my only hope of staying out of a nursing home.

We did not have any pictures scanned in of baby Cowgirl (Sam's name for her), but Magan did take some pictures of the boys preparing for the new baby...


The Fite Family said...

Oh, I am so excited for you! Girls, are so much fun. Trae can tell you, he loves to dress up with Ella and I think he make a wonderful princess. Girls truely pull on your heartstrings. I am so happy for you.

Cude said...

you are so funny I am almost crying. You will be a great daddy to your little girl just as you are to your sweet boys. Leslie

Wanting What I Have said...

oh, oh, oh!!!!!! where have i been? i'm so bad about faithfully checking private blogs...didn't even know y'all are expecting! i am thrilled for you! and a precious baby girl! CONGRATULATIONS!!!