All together at the Magic Kingdom. Aren't we cute with the matching shirts and everything. It also began a day of random cast members calling me Scott like they knew me...At least Mom and Dad did not get us berets in Griswaldian tradition.

The people mover is definately intense for Davis, but he held his hands up the whole time.

Sheye captured this moment on Main Street as I was trying out a new hairstyle.
This day began rather early for an 8 oclock opening of the Magic Kingdom. That is pretty rough after the EPCOT episode the night before. But as Colby and I learned on that first day here...If you are going to come to Disney on Spring Break, you better get in early.

As we stood looking into Tommowland, Magan captured this picture to help us remember that is is just a Great Big Wonderful Tomorrow. Granddaddy got on the Astro Orbiters below with Sam and Davis and we had a blast going round and round and round. Then Sam and Davis got to ride on the Indy Speedway with Granny and Granddaddy...Magan rode on the People Mover to relax while we waited, but I got over to the speedway just as the boys were speeding off in their vehicles.

We next went to AdventureLand...Have I mentioned how great the DoleWhip Pineapple Float is? We again tried a couple out, and found out you never...never...take a dole whip float away from a cute little baby girl. While they battle for the last remaining sips of the DoleWhip, Grandaddy went with us up into the Swiss Family Treehouse.

It was then time to go for our lunch reservation at the Crystal Palace. This is by far the best Character Dinner with the best buffet. We did get to rest on the porch for a bit till they called our name. We also found one of the best playtoys for Belle, which we kept with her for the remainder of the trip...water bottles. She held on to them like they were baby dolls, and scolded anyone that tried to take them away.
The kids were excited to look into the restuarant to see Pooh, Tigger, Eeyore, and Piglet. Then we got to see all of them, and it was a blast. Inside the restuarant, I ate way to much...as did Sam and Davis, who both had to go "poop". So after 30 minutes of combined restroom time, I was ready to get out of here.

After our lunch, we traveled back into Frontierland, where Magan and I took kid duty and rode on the train with Davis, Belle, and Ben, while everyone else rode splash mountain and thundermountain. We went around the park once, and ben and belle finally fell asleep. This left Davis wiggling around but he was having fun on the trainride. When we got back to the Frontierland train stop, I looked down to see the family just getting off of splashmountain, but they had not yet ridden thundermountain...so with our butts numb and our backs soaked with sweat, Magan and I pushed on for yet one more 22 minute ride around the magic kingdom. At least the kids got some sleep.
Then Magan and I got our turn, and since Davis was a little afraid of these rides, Sam got to ride double time because of the extra fastpass.

We ended the day back in tomorrowland...You can see Sam was excited to ride Space Mountain below. The picture directly below would end up being pretty common for both Dave and Sam...as their knees hurt soooooo bad. I love those boys sooooo much, I guess you just keep trucking even when the shoulders hurt soooooo bad.

Sam starting Disney Pin collecting, and he has a great aunt and uncle that bought him some of his coolest pins. Katie got him a TestTrack Pin, and John got him the SplashMountain Pin...both his favorites. Back to the house to do it all over again tomorrow.
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