Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Disney 2011 Day 5 – “Our Safari to the Animal Kingdom”

Do you notice anything missing in the picture above? Specifically something that Sam needs to wear every day...Yep...Sam forgot his glasses for the day at the Animal Kingdom. We began our day at the Animal Kingdom different than any other visit to the parks...(altho it became quite common this trip)...by waiting to see the characters for an hour. It was a nice area back in Camp Minnie Mickey, where we were able to just sit back and take a break for awhile. Sam entertained us with his constant cement crack jumping skills. This was a good area as there were not so many people around. He forgot many times during his jumping tricks that other people were also in the park and he was jumping right thru them. Overall I think he did well at trying to maintain his momma's back by jumping over all of the cracks.

Belle had a ball with the chance to meet all of the characters. She was not scared a bit and wanted to hug each one. Here at Camp Minnie Mickey, she got to see Mickey, Donald, Goofy, Chip and Dale, and Thumper and Mrs. Bunny. She definately loved the chipmunks and the bunnies....so soft.

This was also Sam's first chance to trade pins with someone else. He traded for a Chip...later able to trade another to make a match with Chip and Dale.

Magan then took Davis and Belle to see Pooh and Tigger once more. Belle loves "Po" as she calls him. And I think bouncing with Tigger was one of Davis' highlights of the trip.

We then met up with the family to enjoy DinoLand, The Nemo Musical, and A Bugs Life 3D show. Notice anyone missing below? Yep, Colby and Melissa had apparently made it inside the parking gates of the Animal Kingdom when Ben starting puking. We were hoping they would be able to come in, but in the end they didn't make it this day. Problem gave them a good day to relax and Ben a good day to recoup.

DinoLand is always a blast and the play area there is huge...or as Davis would say "Kuge". Kind of crazy just letting them roam free in there, but Davis and Sam just have a blast. And I had to try and convince everyone to go to the Nemo Musical show, and Granny and Granddaddy joined us. This is the best show in DisneyWorld. The movie is great, but this show with all of the big songs "He's my Dad"..."Go with the Flow"...are so good for a dad and his boys. I was almost (nobody saw me, so I will stick with almost) in tears as this show is so good. I look down to see Davis wiggling and ready to go play, then I look down at Sam who is struggling to even find Nemo without his glasses, and then look over at my father...sound asleep. :) Great show.

The Bugs Life is like every other 3D show at Disney...they lure the kids in with the sweet bug funny characters...then scare them to death with loud noises, blasts of air, and seats that move...

And Lunch...I did not get a picture of this masterpiece of Disney made from the creativity of the Earl of Sandwich and some Italian Disney dude, but this is definately the place the get one of the best sandwiches made on the face of this planet. It is the Italian sandwich sold at the Pizzafari. Ham, Cheese, Salami, then some Caesar Salad all on a Schlotsky's-like bread....so good. It was so good that I ate it again for supper.

We ended the day on the Kilimanjaro Safari ride. We got the back seat, which is the best for this ride, and Belle had so much fun. She was bouncing on the seat yelling at every animal we saw..."Woa Woa Woa"...."Grrarrrr"....She loves growling at the animals. And Davis was talking 90 miles an hour about the animals and all of the ones he saw. Sam was quiet, but he was still excited about his ride on the Mt. Everest Ride. That boy would ride anything.

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