We toured Future World earlier during this trip, so we planned to make our trip around the world on this day. But we did begin our day with Colby making an excellent run for fastpass tickets to Soarin. He broke past so many people...it made me proud. Going down the exit lane, then acting like the confused tourist as he bypassed hundreds of Disney novices by using the sidelines to bypass the actual line. Beautiful, just beautiful. :)
This was actually the day that Davis had some stomach issues, and I believe Colby somehow ended up with him, Ben and Sam at Journey to the Imagination, while I was in the Land with a sleeping Belle. I then saw Colby come in with both Ben and Davis in his arms and Davis was crying. He needed to poop (or was it puke...it sounds the same when they are crying). So quickly I pass Belle off to Colby as I take Davis to ... poop. And as he was pooping, he began to puke. We seem to always have this happen sometime at Disney...So I leave him pooping as I go to wash off his clothes hit by some puke. I am just happy for Colby that there was no blowout on the long walk over to the Land.

We tried the new restuarant Via Napoli for an early dinner with everyone. It was great. Dad came in with his battle bandages from an earlier fall in the day. Target Zero message for the day - do not try to cross areas that are chained off. :)
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