We made it to Hollywood, and found out very quickly that there is much Mania for the ride "Toy Story Mania". For a planner like myself that has each ride and our day somewhat mapped out, this day was difficult. It began with us finding a 1 hour line just to get a fastpass ticket for Toy Story Mania...so the decision came to get in the regular line for the ride. But then the Buzz and Woody Picture line starting forming for the picture you see above...What to do, What to do? We ended up getting in both lines, then found that to be a mistake as the Buzz and Woody character line is much much slower. So anyway, the fast moving group left the Junkin's with kids and did their own thing, while I waited in the Toy Story Mania line with Sam. The others got to see Buzz and Woody. Note to self...When encountered with this long fastpass line, start the line for the Buzz and Woody characters and be the first to see them when it opens shortly after the park opens. Then immediately get in the stand by line. The stand by line moves very fast until 1 hour after the park opens, then the fastpassers slow it down.

Granddaddy just has to get them all a toy. Here he gave belle her little Minnie Baby.

Look at the close seats for the Indiana Jones Spectacular. Can you believe it? We had planned to watch this with the entire group, but they announced that it was standing room only. Magan and I have been in this before when standing room only is announced. The key is to sit right behind the handicap section. If there are still seats available when the show begins, they open these sections back up. So Magan and I left to try it out. A young cast member noticed us and said that we had to move back against the wall, so we picked up all the kids and shifted over that way...I guess the perspiration and winded looks on Magan and I made him feel pity, so he told us to wait right there. We did...then he came back to escort us down to the third row. AWESOME. Then I noticed this guy in red sitting in front of us talking to another cast member about how to get picked for the show...I looked at Magan and said "Are you OK with the kids if I go in the show?" I then handed Belle to Magan. When they asked for volunteers, how could they not pick the guy in the gumby shirt screaming next to a guy in a bright red shirt.

This was a great experience. Neat to go out on the set and do something I have never thought I would get to do. Cons are that I did not get to watch the kids faces during much of the Indiana Jones act. Me and Sam also got to do something else super cool, we got our picture with Indiana. Dave got a little stage fright...I think of the 7 foot guy standing beside me.

This is where Davis also got his Indiana Mickey that he takes everywhere. Or did take for awhile everywhere. I don't have any pictures of the many characters we saw at Hollywood studios. They are in the photopass pictures, which at the rate I am going, will not be blogged about this year. But there was a sad story of Davis. Now Davis loves the Incredibles...and his favorite is Mr. Incredible. So Hollywood Studios has one big area to meet characters and that is where we got to meet Lotso (Sam's Favorite) and Sorcerer Mickey. Davis did not care a bit for Mickey, he was just very excited to see Mr. Incredible come out. So Magan got in line for Mickey and as soon as I could get to her, I took Dave to the Mr. Incredible line. Davis was bouncing he was so excited. Flexing his muscles and smiling the whole time, cause not only was it Mr. Incredible, it was also Sub-Zero (??) his friend. As we got to number 2 to see him...a terrible announcement was made...He would be leaving. This is usually not to bad as they go away for 5 minutes then come back...but then they announced that coming back would be Mrs. Incredible. His shoulders sunk, slow tears came to his eyes as he watched Mr. Incredible walk right past him and out the mysterious door to character land. I looked up to see even Magan shedding tears for our little guy. It is so hard for him...having to make it through 8 days of Disney joy riding rides and having adventures each day...but could not see Mr. Incredible. OK, I was sad for him too, but like all 4 year olds, 30 minutes later he could not even remember who he was in line for.
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