Monday, March 19, 2012

Hodge Podge

Just a hodge podge of pictures...Sam and Davis have recently wanted to sleep on the floor, and since their Mom thought they would be sleeping on the floor with Tornados in the area, she let them practice.

Picture below is with Belle and Mr. Scott Vinsant at church. We don't know why, but every Sunday, she finds Mr. Scott, and grabs his finger and tells him to come "sit". She takes him to this bench in the foyer, and they just "sit".

LOOK AT THE HAIR...I let it go, and finally got it cut right before Katies wedding. But this was definately the longest it has ever been. I think Magan cried tears of joy when I came home without my fro one day.

Deidra Calvert came to see Magan one day at the house, and from what Magan says, the kids had a blast with hers...

And the last two pictures show a trip to McWane with Nanny, Marcia, and family...

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