Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Spring Break 2012 - Harlem Globetrotters

The Harlem Globetrotters!!! This is something I always wanted to go see when I was a kid, so after I convinced Magan that it was something the kids would like to see also, I finally got to go. The guy pictured above is Big Easy from...you guessed it, New Orleans. There was another guy named Stretch that was about 8" taller than this guy.

The first thing we did at the Pete Hanna Center on the Samford Campus was visit the globetrotter merchandise stand. As you can see, the boys found that wristbands made them the coolest and newest members of the globetrotter fans.

As you can see, we were basically the first ones in the arena, and the boys enjoyed smacking each other with their new wristbands. Luckily the cotton candy quieted them down...at least for a bit.

After that the show begin with the mascot "Globie" performing some dance moves out on the court. If you haven't ever been to a Globetrotter game or seen one on TV, it is basically a 2 hour basketball skill show, comedy routine, with some acrobatics thrown in. Really fun, and the kids were laughing the whole time. Even Belle found some things she thought was pretty funny.

The pre-game show had some breakdancers spinning on their head, the halftime show had some funny character that ran around and headbutted some folks, the basketball game had several funny moments when a players shorts were pulled down...to reveal they were wearing Elmo boxer shorts. :) The globetrotters had one white guy named Hops shorter than me, probably about 5'10", but we quickly realized how he got his nickname when he leaped to his 50" (!!!) vertical windmill dunk. WHAT!

The best show of the night was when the globetrotter made some crazy moves, but the ball went out of bounds, the refs called it out on them, but Big Easy asked for a replay. The globetrotters and the other team then did an amazing choreographed rewind sequence...then did the replay in SLO-MO...It was really funny and amazing at the same time. Sam and Davis are still finding things they want to do in SLO-MO...not as funny when I need them to do something quick.

Are seats were also right on the side where the globetrotters went out during halftime, and Big Easy and Stretch clapped Sam and Davis as they went by. Davis told me it was because of their new sweatbands.

About midway through the first quarter, Magan got some visitors that sat down right beside her. Two guys that both needed two seats apiece, but squished down beside her. It was somewhat funny, but not so much for poor Magan who got a rest from their large frames only for a bit during halftime, then they were back shortly after that with sweat rolling down their faces (apparently from the 5 steps to the nacho bar).

Anyway, one last story about the globetrotter wristbands...Sam and Davis were very excited that they both got their own set of wristbands, and Magan explained to them both that the bands were for them to wipe their sweat on them. Magan told me that once as she was trying to keep Belle still, being squished to one side by one of the Big Boys...and she said she starting sweating then felt something rubbing against her head...looking over she found Davis wiping the sweat off with his sweatband. Then after the game, as we went to get our picture with Big Easy, Magan caught Sam with wristbands off wiping his underarms with them. :) It was pretty funny, and even when she told him that was not what they were for, Sam starting laughing getting a kick out of his silliness.

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