Saturday, March 10, 2012

Katie Gets Married

Katie Beth Junkin found someone that would listen intently to every word, one with a beard to scratch and ponder the words that she said, that would consider everything she said and never joke during serious wedding planning matters...oh wait, nevermind, she has Mark (see below), and we are glad to have him as part of the family. I also like that John is learning this same "appear to be listening" technique from Mark. My technique is not as believable, as I sometimes have my eyes closed and am snoring. :)

We had a great rehearsal then rehearsal dinner. My favorit quote of the night was from Mark after someone told him great job on picking the BBQ from Johnny's...He replied "Yeah, that's probably the first correct choice I have made in a long time"...then realized that was not the best thing when he was getting married the next day. :)

Mom and her boys. Sam had the sweetest smile all day, and I was so pround of him. Davis smiles well too, yet can not seem to look at the camera. The junkin men that I was not very proud of on this day. Dad was almost crying. John and Colby almost lost it, but I had no problems except for the bad sinus issues that hit me right as Katie starting walking down the aisle.

My beautiful MawMaw above, and the beautiful bride (or as Belle called her "princess") below.

Lot's of family there to share in the moment. Seemed to go by so quickly...but I guess we have another wedding in only a couple of months.

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