Well, I just checked back and my last blog about my babies was back in Dec. 2010, SO guess I am well over due for another post :)
I do have great intentions and a list of things to write about here on my desk, that I keep all along the way. I think I have more to write than one blog can hold, so I think I'll break this into 3 different blogs. I need to fill in a whole yr and a half here, lol
Let's start with my big boy Sam, who still fits in my lap, but hangs to the floor on all sides. I love that he still wants me to hold him and kiss and tuck him in each night, even gives me nose kisses. He also very much loves ANY time I can tickle his belly or back. About a year ago, I was afraid he was going to grow up too fast b/c he wouldn't hug me at the bus stop. Shortly after school started this year, very unexpectedly I felt a BIG hug around my legs as the bus came around the corner and have had one EVERY day since!!!! While I am on the subject of hugs, after all that happened in December, I know he knew how sad his mom was. I would feel his little hugs (real hugs) every time I turned around. I almost think God was hugging me through him b/c he always knew when I needed to feel that love.
As far as school goes, he is doing so GREAT! He has the BEST teacher this year, Mrs. Cooley, she is creative, quiet natured, fun and has helped him build self-confidence. What a blessing it is to have such wonderful teachers, I pray about this often and will continue to pray about it. I know God is protecting his heart when he is away from me, but I pray that he is learning to be a light around his friends and even the adults he comes in contact with.
He LOVES math and is a good speller, he just struggles with slowing down enough to check his punctuation and to sound the words out on his spelling test before he reads them to Mrs. Cooley. I have been enjoying hearing his soft little voice reading to me most every day and he is really catching on faster than I expected. Which reminds me of what Bene't says all the time "I'll never forget when Sam was 18 months old climbing in your lap saying Momma at church, in that sweet little voice." He read his first two chapter books in the past few weeks one being Flat Stanley in Washington. I was surprised that he read it so quickly, I was proud of him!
Speaking of Mrs. Cooley another reason I know she has been working with him, he actually TELLS her things that have happened, lol Last year he was afraid to tell Mrs. Garrett anything, but this year he seems to be getting more confidence and isn't afraid to speak up, yay! I think he may have even had to move his card once or twice, lol He accidently told on himself in conversation with his dad and me.

Sam is very creative and builds things constantly. We went to the baseball game and he was looking up to the stadium seats above our heads and he was making comments about how the stadium was built. He also in conversation with Davis in the back of the van mentioned how the wires ran into the post office and that was how they got power, while Davis was talking about how he was going to "Blow up like a power line." lol
One of his most favorite places to play is the backyard in the patch of woods at the back. He had built a bridge and has been clearing his area with dad's tools (hedgers/shovels) He loves it so much he usually has to run down ahead of us and check it out before we leave to go somewhere. He got muddy up to his knees several days in a row and almost ruined his shoes twice. I got the rainboots Nanny bought him out and Davis got his army man rainboots out and the problem is solved. They love playing in the little stream back there and I love that it is back there for them to explore in a bit. I always loved playing in the woods around their house, and it makes my heart happy to know that they get to experience a piece of that even though we live in a neighborhood.
Did I mention how much he LOVES his little sister!?!? He wants to hug on her, bounce her in his lap, follow her around when we are out, hold her hand when we are walking. It makes my heart feel like it will explode to see them together. She loves him just as much and tells people that "my sham" (Sam) It is hard to write down the way she says Sam, but that is the closest I can get :) When one gets in trouble they run to each other to hug and cry. She climbs in his lap when they are watching t.v. and he holds her the as long as she'll let him. He loves Davis too and they really love playing with each other and miss each other when they are apart, but they do have a bit of a competative spirit at times. So yes it seems that they fight more than play some days, but I know they are buddies all the way through the ups and downs.
Sam is also loving scouts he gets to build, explore outside, and gets recognitions, does it get better!!??!?!
I love my sweet Sam and can not believe he is almost SEVEN! I hope he holds tight to the love that he shares with us everyday and remembers to look above to find the truest love there will ever be. When I think of how much I love him, it is hard to understand that God loves him even more. I pray that he grows in patience and in knowledge each day.
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