Thursday, March 21, 2013

Chattanooga - Day 1 (Aquarium)

Can you believe they got our picture underwater?  I hope not, cause you would be just plain silly.  We made it to Chattanooga.  This was our only "big" trip during this spring break, but the kids were excited...mainly just to stay in the hotel.  We had cold weather for our trip, that was helpful in pushing us away from Rock City (where acrophobic dreams haunt me), and kept us inside for most of the attractions.  

There was no reason for us to stop at the Rest Area, and Magan told me to go on...but I just can't.  I really just can't.  This is THE place you MUST stop at on the way to Chattanooga.  And below shows just one of the reasons I love it so much.  That's me and my lovely girlfriend Magan Ratcliff in December of 1998.  Then 15 years later, our three beautiful blessings from God...on a tile lizard bench.  

This tile mosaic "The One that Got Away" (1994) was designed by Sherri Warner Hunter

“My goal was to create an interactive sculptural environment of bright colors and reflective surfaces. Mosaic covered fish greet all visitors with a smile (especially broad on ‘the one that got away’) and invite children to
come play in the ‘pond’. THE ONE THAT GOT AWAY will serve as a whimsical reminder that not only is the Tennessee Aquarium nearby but that Tennessee is rich in all forms of water recreational sports and activities.” - Sherri Warner Hunter.  

Our first stop was the Tennessee Aquarium, filled with some fun butterflies, penguins, and sharks.  Does anyone know how well this fits our kids?  Perfect.  Belle loved touching the butterflies, and Magan was again amazed at my charming ability to hold a butterfly on my hand.  We next got to watch the penguins swimming in the water, and had a time to ask talk with the keeper as she fed the penguins.  Then was a must for Davis...We saw...REAL SCUBA DIVERS in with the sharks.  Davis even got to ask a question of the Scuba Diver..."What is the biggest fish in the tank not a shark?"   

Sam, always the resourceful navigator came up with the idea of keeping the map in his hat.  And Sam, one day you will see these pictures and wonder why you liked that cowboy hat so much.  I also caught a picture below of the Worlds largest turtle picture from 1998, and one from today.  It seems the shell has moved locations and has switched to horizontal, which makes more sense as turtles do not usually point up.

After the aquarium, we got to go swimming.  This kids act so crazy.  I think they get it from their Mom.  I am sure I would never do robot dancing scuba moves that they would recreate...never.  After our swimming while Mom took a nap, we decided to go out for supper.  It was 8:30 PM and very cold outside, so Magan and I decided to take the kids down to the local live music bar.  Just kidding.  But it was a cool restaurant "Sugars" selling some mighty fine ribs, and apparently Willie and Waylon liked it too.  The live music was pretty good too, this duo could play a lot of good stuff, and Davis perked up when he heard Sweet Home Alabama.  "I like that song".  The guy with the guitar actually played "Shorty got Low" by Flo Rida with a country twang...that was just weird.  Banana pudding for dessert and back to our hotel.  Fun day! 

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