Saturday, March 16, 2013

Day at Oak Mountain

What!!!  No pictures?  Yep, Magan had the camera in her purse, and I left my IPod at home.  Oh well.  I was out of town in Dothan all week, and when I got home, Magan wanted to do some shopping.  Excited that I had an excuse to take the kids out with me, We chose to go to Oak Mountain on this beautiful Saturday to begin Spring Break.

We started our day at the BMX bike track.   They have both a small course and a large BMX course.  At the small course, the boys had a blast, making sure they hit the one mud puddle each time they went around. Davis is currently in an "Evil Knievel" mode, where he actually thinks its cool to crash, so he had lots of scratches to bring home.  Sam is just a daredevil on these hills, and broke the chain guard on his new bike during a wreck.

After that, the boys drove their RC cars all over a track they have for them nearby.  The cars flipped and hit some trees, but kept going.

What was Belle doing?  My little princess began by riding her tricycle around the sidewalk area, but then she found a large wooden lookout area to view the BMX course, and this became her princess castle.  She was more than content playing here as the boys rode round and round...altho the evil Dad dragon had to chase and search for the princess every once and awhile.

I then sent the boys over to the bigger BMX course (Really tough course with big hills and high banks in the curves) where there were already some big guys trying out the course.  I was getting Belle and getting RC cars so it was taking me awhile to get over to the big course.  Then I heard them start up some fast paced loud heavy rock music over at the big track, so I figured the boys might be a little intimidated with the big kids.

So I finally made it over to the course bleachers and saw Sam pushing his bike back to me.  I asked if he was going to ride, and he said "No, not this time, Why do that have that loud music?"  I told him I don't know, then asked where was Davis.  About that time I see Davis coming down the big starter hill (In our previous two trips, he has never even attempted this, much less try to get up the first hill where people do some big jumps).  Big smile as he came down then MADE IT UP the next hill.  I watched amazed as he made it through the whole course with no problems.  I then saw him finally at then end of the trail.  When he saw me, he smiled and raised two peace signs up high in the air in victory.  Later he asked me if I heard that cool music they were playing (see Magan story below).  Crazy kid.

So after Sam saw this, he joined in, and both of them went around the course 2 or 3 more times.

We then went into a large field nearby and flew some kites that Nanny had bought for the boys.  It was really fun as the wind was pretty good, but 2 kites for 3 kids was not a good combination.  I think all three broke down crying at some point (NEEDED NAPS).  But we made it.  We went back to the small BMX track once more for lunch (bananas and peanut butter pretzels), then decided to leave.  Before leaving the park, we stopped by the Bird Rescue Center to see the birds that were being nursed back to good health.  Then left for the day.

Hard to imagine a day more fun with those sweet kids.

Quick Magan Story:
Magan said she was listening to Pandora the other day and "Enter Sandman" from Metallica was on.  She said Davis walked in the room with big eyes and said "WHAT...IS...THAT Mom?  That is totally awesome!"  Dear me, gonna have our hands full with that one.

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