Saturday, March 9, 2013

Pinewood Derby

I have come to realize that I am the worst Dad for pinewood derby, but even that does not seem to motivate me to make a good car for the boys.  Maybe Davis' tears as his car continually got last place will be motivation for next year.  Or Sam's disappointed smiles as his car continually got last place.  Oh well, as you can see in the picture above, we enjoyed making the cars.  We were probably the only one with weights glued all over it.

I have come to realize that the Pinewood Derby race cars are a cult phenomenon, and that men of all ages in this cult will spend hours on advice of how the best car can be made.  So I now have a scroll saw, and this year we actually made a car that was able to be entered into the race...Isn't that enough?  Apparently not, and this is a much bigger event than I could have realized.  Lots of fist pumps, and lots of Dads sharing with me both their secrets (the winners) and their excuses (the losers).  I guess I will take both into consideration for next year.  :)

Did I mention how much Sam and Davis and Belle loved building the cars, then coloring the cars (Yes, we were the only cars with magic marker), then playing with them around the house.  That's what makes me happy, they are excited and get to do their own things, which is good, but next year, I'll try and strategically place some weights so maybe we are not dead last.

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