Monday, March 18, 2013

Jim Gaffigan (Date Night)

Our Date Night was wonderful, besides me having a stressful drive to the BJCC, because I felt that we weren't early enough.  I have some crazy issues with being places on time, and it has resulted in crazy dreams where I am panicky and late all the time.  I don't know what this means, but I was so much happier being with my lovely lady...once we made it to the BJCC.  But we had a good dinner at Tazikis.  

Jim Gaffigan "The White Bread Tour" was our show for the night, and it was great to hang out with family.  The show was really funny, and although I can't remember many of the jokes, I am sure I will laugh again when I buy the DVD.  He also pulled out the "Hot Pocket" bits which are always funny.  I also left hungry for some biscuits and gravy.

Those Ratcliff girls are gorgeous.  Don't really know what much more to say about that.  :)

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