Friday, July 28, 2017

Around the House...

Friends come over to the house...messy cherries...pipe cleaner fun...Mom loves seeing Davis with his Velcro wallet...Dispicable 3...Spiderman...Chick-Fil-A free sandwich day if you dress up like a cow...a summer ending...smiles turning to frowns as the dreaded school year approaches.  :)

Welcome Baby Olive to the family!

Welcome Baby Olive!

Saturday, July 22, 2017

San Francisco - Home Sweet...Dear Me...Hot and Humid Home

Up at 3:15 AM to make our 6:00 AM flight...and still just barely made it...Lines Lines every lines...and I am pretty sure our Uber guy was driving with no headlights for much of the journey, thankful for roads partially lit up.  After a week of 70 degree highs, and lows in the 50s requiring sweaters at times...getting out in Charlotte was a welcoming back to the hot and humid south.  But after another short flight and quick drive to Fultondale...we didn't care about the heat...just glad to be home with those kiddos. 

Souvenirs...Giants gear for Sam...As gear for Davis...Star Wars and Beauty and the Beast dress up for the girls (Hey, Disney had a sale)...they also got some lipgloss holders and fans from Chinatown. 

Friday, July 21, 2017

San Francisco - Sweet Maple and Muir Woods

And our last morning in the city, we tried to sleep late, but didn't make it to late...we basically played white noise each night to try and drown out all the city noises...and we were on the 9th floor.  We began with probably one of the best breakfasts I have ever had.  One of Magan's uber drivers had recommended Sweet Maples as THE BEST breakfast, and he was right.  We had a large omelet with avocado and pepperjack cheese (yeah...this is Cali...that was about the most normal omelet on the whole list)...then we had some French toast that would have better been described as a large beautiful plate sized piece of fried bread with candied walnuts and fried bananas with a drizzled caramel sauce on top...WHAT...Amazing already, then the thing that put it over the top...Millionaires bacon!  This was the best bacon ever made, thick enough you needed a knife to cut, candied with a slight pepper kick.  Wow...what a breakfast.

Full from this breakfast we walked up the street to the Mrs. Doubtfire house, but then pooped because of breakfast, we ubered over to the Full House house (Sign next to the house said to be considered of the neighbors, we don't want anyone to say "How Rude").  Then back to the Disney Store...because How can you pass up a Disney store?  And a quick nap before our afternoon tour of Muir woods. 

Our tour van picked us up around 1:00 PM and after picking up some others in the city, we were off across the golden gate and out to the trees.  "The mountains are calling, and I must go" - John Muir.  The John Muir national monument was set up on a large loop through the trees.  Magan and I made it thru the 1.5 mile loop and tried to take some pictures, but it was just not the same as being there.  We just could not capture the size of these trees.  Truly awesome to be among those giants.  After getting stuck in the line at the visitor center, we almost missed the tour van. 

The van took us next to Sausalito where we left the tour to catch the ferry back to Pier 39 in San Fran.  While waiting for the ferry we did get a nice little pizzeria on the bay, and sat outside with the wind keeping us a nice 70 degrees for dinner.  I also found a really cool artist (Daniel Merriam ), but didn't have $3000 for any of his framed art.  But a new one to dream of one day being on the wall at the house. 

The ferry gave us a front seat view of the golden gate, where we said our goodbyes to a fun city.