Thursday, July 20, 2017

San Francisco - Lombard, Ghirideli and the Theater

Finally the conference was over...I had a small presentation on this final day, and was surprised at how terribly nervous I got in front of those people.  My knee was shaking so bad that I had to stand on only my left leg to avoid my right leg causing another San Francisco earthquake.  We had a theater show that night, but with the conference over at was time to explore some more of the city. 

Lombard street was next on our list, and we thought it was the crookedest street in the US, but later found out from our bus driver to the Muir woods, that it is number 2...right behind Wall Street in New York...Wacka Wacka.   Stop sign at the end of Lombard said "STOP", then someone added "Eating Animals", figured Dave might like that after his comment about Californians.  After some fun pics at Lombard, we made our way down to Ghirardelli square again.  We had no time to get chocolate after a quick trip home on our previous journey to this square.  Simple Burger and fries lunch in the square, then a visit to get some chocolate.  Oh everything was so good, but then we sat down for dessert...Cherry Ice cream covered in Ghirardelli chocolate in a waffle bowl...Wow, simply amazing.  

That night we had theater tickets to "The curious incident of the dog in the night time", which was a tony award winning show.  I had read the book, and was interested on how they could translate the inner thoughts of an autistic boy into a play.  I think both Magan and I both agreed, it was pretty good.  Some really neat ways to present the story...funny, sad...kindof weird at times...but tickets were cheaper than Hamilton that was playing for $350/seat in SF.

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