Sunday, July 16, 2017

San Francisco - Church/Chinatown

Sunday morning began with a Hardee's Breakfast burger...massive amount of bad stuff...but oh so good.  Then since it was a pretty morning, I decided that we could walk the 1 mile to the local church building.  I quickly found out that while we were in a nice big city, some of the streets including the neighborhood we walked directly thru (Tenderloin) was NOT recommended.  Our concierge later drew us a map of the city, and said we could go pretty much anywhere EXCEPT the area she scratched out on the map...well, that was exactly the neighborhood we walked straight thru on that Sunday morning.  Seriously some bad images that are in both Magan and my head now because of that bad decision.  We kept our eyes focused ahead and moved as fast as we could.  After finally arriving at the church building, I think even many of them were surprised at how far we came, and where we walked thru.

Lesson at church was really good based on Jesus being "The Just One", and a play on words that we needed "just one" savior.  Neat idea, big booming preacher that was not ideal to sleep thru.  :).

The church building was 1 block away from the "Painted Ladies", so we visited there next and saw some amazing views.  And for the way home, we decided walking was OUT of the picture, so we began the first of many Uber rides around the city.  Back at our hotel I had a meeting that afternoon, then that evening we went walking (Yes, but verified the way was OK first with the concierge) to Chinatown.  The recommended restaurant "The Stinking Rose" was for dinner, where everything on the menu was made with garlic.  Very good meal.  Übered back to a Walgreens near our hotel, and asked Magan if she wanted to walk thru the subway to get under the road back to our hotel...Magan would not go down there for the rest of the trip.  Haha...she had enough of that down there...with people lying all over the ground everywhere, it was a little like The walking dead.

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