Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Run up Peavine Road

Another Race DONE.  Hit the July 4th PEAVINE FALLS ROAD and trail 8.2 mile race! You begin race with 550' elevation change in 3 miles basically all uphill...the remaining 5.2 miles not so bad.  Boys came with me and went geocaching while I ran, but made it back in time to see me finish before super buff dude behind me.  Made me smile to hear Dave call out "Dad" as I ran by at the end.  9:48 minute pace...but who's counting.  :)

We were all so hot out there...me from the run, and the boys from the biking.  I loved the look on their face when I asked them what they wanted to do next.  Neither had any ideas, so I said "How bout we go jump in the lake".  No swimming suits...no towels...no real plans...but their instant smiles told me the answer.  Into the lake we went.  Later we were all ready to leave and all of us were very hungry...then we started laughing because it was only 9:15 AM.  Oh well, lunchtime can be anytime when you are up at 5.  And we found the butterfly below, and Sam had actually picked it up...but flew off before I could capture the image.  

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