Monday, July 17, 2017

San Francisco - Giants and a Cheese Cup

First day of conference began, and I had to actually go to work.  I don't remember what Magan did this day, but I think it involved binge watching "The Handmaid's Tale".  I was glad she got some relax time, and I think she got some shopping done too. 

After work, we made our way down (after verifying with the concierge we weren't walking thru a crazy part of town) to the Giant's stadium for another night of baseball.  While not candlestick, the look and feel seemed much like the stadium I had seen on TV many times.  Such a cool location with right field right on the bay. 

We had some good seats, but they were on the very back row of the 1st level, under the overhang of the second any balls popped up were our of our view.  But we took our time and walked around the park.  Great viewing areas from all around.  And we were also on a hunt...a hunt for cheese fries.  Apparently in SF, the garlic fries are popular, and they were everywhere, but Magan had a craving for cheese we made it almost all the way around the park with no luck...till we found a pretzel cart.  How much for just a cheese cup?  $2 the man said...I then saw the sparkle in Magan's eyes, and almost got two cheese cups...but just one worked. 

So we ate our cheese fries, and watched the Giants make some crazy bad errors, and end up losing to the Indians.  Then began our short 1.2 mile walk back to the hotel.  I think Magan was ready for the Uber after this walk. 

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