Wednesday, July 19, 2017

San Francisco - Country Girl can Uber

Today while in conferences, I was proud of my country gal, she got out and toured the city on her own, first taking an Uber to the Disney Family Museum.  I must admit I was worried the whole day that she was using the app correctly, and not getting lost, but she seemed to have no problem at all.  Later she told me she received a little help from the guys at the hotel on the initial use of the app. 

The Disney museum looked great, and Magan made me jealous being there, but she took some pictures and bought me a cool book to experience it later.  She actually got the closest to the golden gate during her trip this day.  She also got to experience a pick-up line from a local guy who did notice the ring, but figured she might be open.  I think the Oscar was one for Snow White and the 7 Dwarfs...and the pictures were of all Disney's characters crying at his passing. 

That night after the conference was a vendor night, so Magan showed up as they were announcing all the door prize winners...while many of my friends won, I did not.  Oh well, we enjoyed a local Chinese restaurant next door to our hotel, and I had a weird tea/milk Momba Ball drink.  Not so good. 

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