Saturday, October 14, 2017

Nashville Wedding - Adventure Science Center

While the girls were brunching, me, James and the boys went to the Adventure Science Center and flew thru space for just a bit.  We had a great time here, and got to try our some really cool virtual reality rooms, hold onto some liquid nitrogen gas balls, and work our way through the body to finally take a ride down the anus slide with a fun little poot sound at the end. 
We were later joined by the girls, where the real adventure unfolded into a really horrible story, funny later, but no so much at the time.  This story basically begins with a few parents being outnumbered by kids, and trying to make sure all are having fun in a large science center that is easily distracting.  Sam and Davis were wanting to ride one of the rides that needed an extra ticket, and the girls were wanting to go climbing thru the play area.  So magan went to pay, and I took off with the girls, one handing me Marcia's purse.  So I felt kind of awkward, but I have gotten used to holding purses, and was pretty sure we would be going by the virtual reality place and I could pass the purse off to Marcia there.  So I did receive some strange looks, but with three little girls, you just go with it. 
We had fun in several areas, but then we went into a game area that is a 12 minute game and completely closed off from any sounds anywhere in the science center.  This became very important, and was actually the first time I started thinking...Maybe I should let Marcia know I have her purse.  Yes, I know, but I really did think they saw me get the purse...So I am pausing her in the story as 12 minutes are going by with us playing laser tag and having fun trying to cleanse the body from bad germs...but I did decide that when we get out I will find Marcia to make sure she knew I had her purse.  In hindsight, I am a complete idiot and made very many bad decisions within this 15 minute span. 
So out of the game, me and the girls immediately started going to the front of the center where I knew Magan was sitting on a bench waiting.  That is when Davis ran up to me with WIDE EYES and almost yelled "You've got the purse".  Not saying anything I just handed it to him, and he took off with it to the front of the center...Here is where I began thinking OH NO, this may be bad.  Then when I turned to go down the stairs and Magan was in tears crying...I thought OOOOHHHH  NOOOO, this is not good....Then when I saw Marcia with about 8 member of the center management staff about to look at security videos...I realized that if you should ever pick up a purse, you should make sure to let the owner know that you have it.  Then James came running back in from outside where he had been chasing two hooded guys up a hill. 
I later learned that while we where in our game taking care of germs, Marcia had went to every level of the center screaming that someone had taken her purse.  She sent James out the door, and posted her kids at the entrance to watch for people that looked suspicious.  Marcia also went into every bathroom including the men's.  Magan told me later that she could not believe how quickly Marcia got to the front of the center when she called to let her know she lost her purse.  So...this was pretty much a clear sign that it was time to leave and go to the rehearsal dinner where this story was told and retold...and I continually understand how bad all of my decisions were. 
Picture of the girls in the hallway reminded me of the old dresses in the shining movie...


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