Sunday, October 15, 2017

Nashville Wedding - The Wedding

A really excellent place for a wedding in downtown Nashville.   Wedding was really just bonus, but the real reason for this ceremony was for three cute little girls to be flower girls, and one cute little boy to be the ring bearer.  They were all fun to watch and take pictures of as you will see below...they were the primary focus in at least my pictures.  Dear me, I about lose it just looking at those girls in these pictures.  I can't stand the thought of them one day leaving me.  Even my sweet Belle doesn't give me all the hugs she used to, but she did come sit with me at church today and hug up tight to me...I loved seeing my little Ruby just smile at me from up there in front of the ceremony, and then her cute little face when she DROPPED her flower basket during the middle of the ceremony, then her look of "It wasn't me" when Stella later DROPPED her flower basket during the middle. 
I was only texted one of these pictures in the photobooth, but the kids kept going back over and over again to get those silly pictures.  And then the dancing started, and those little ones were about the only ones out there.  I requested the "Beauty and the Beast" theme song, and got Magan out there dancing with me.  Ruby was my first girl choice, but she turned me down saying "No, you dance with Mommy".  


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