Saturday, October 14, 2017

Nashville Wedding - Brunch and Dinner

 Always an adventure to fit 6 of us into a Hotel Room...probably slowly moving towards that not being an option soon, and we forgot Ruby's pack and play, but luckily there was a chair that we fitted into a bed.  And what is it about a hotel room that makes 12 and 10 year olds jump from bed to bed, and everyone act completely crazy at bedtime. 
This was a day of much fancy food for our crew.  The girls were served an elegant brunch I am told, and those flowergirls loved getting their little presents.  Magan said that Ruby just kept staring at her little ballerina jewelry box, and then told Magan "it's so pretty, and it's like Anabelle's".  I think Emily has easily won them over. 
That evening was the rehearsal dinner at Maggianos, and it was excellent.  So much food, so much red sauce, only thing I skipped on was the mushrooms...because they are mushrooms, and should NOT be eaten.  It was a wonderful dinner, I mistakenly made the first speech of the night through a misplaced fork clashing to get a babies attention...and several folks got up to talk about the new times...must admit that was the most fun rehearsal dinner, even with a great slideshow.  Magan is mad at me because I did not get her speech to Marcus which was supersweet, and she was the only one to go ahead and throw out the word "baby" to the almost weds. 
Wonderful end to a very adventurous day...

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