Saturday, November 18, 2017

Auburn Tigers (Scout Day)

I said its great to be an Auburn Tiger...I said its great...whatever, and all that stuff...Anyway, it is great to go to these Auburn games, and this was great to FINALLY get there with all the family.  We tried two years ago, and there was lots of puking involved...see 2015 Auburn game blog for reference...then last year was a night game where me, Sam and Davis nearly froze to death.  But finally an early game at Noon and excellent weather. 
We ran into the Lackey's before the game, and got to visit with them for a bit.  Then we struggled up to the VERY TOP of Jordan Hare.  We seriously had the very top row, and my knee is still hurting 4 weeks later from the many climbs to the top.  But the kids had fun, and me, Magan, Ruby and Wyatt made it all the way down to the field trying to catch Aubie's attention.  But while close, we did not get to see him, but it was fun letting Ruby and Wyatt dance to all the band music.  And yes, we hit Mama Goldbergs on our way out.  





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