Thursday, November 30, 2017

Anabelle Birthday

Our sweet little girl turned 8 years old.  Got to figure out how to slow down this clock turning those girls into beautiful little ladies.  Love to see her get bigger and being a kind and sweet friend to all her buddies, but sad to not have her run up with those hugs like she used to.  Anabelle, where ever you are, and when ever you are reading up and hug me if I am close, or call me and hug me over the phone if we are not.  Or perhaps via hologram...I don't know what year this is, nor what Elon Musk has created after my writing of this blog.  Anyway, I love you so much... EYE HEART U...Still remember my little notes?  I remember yours coming back as a little piece of paper with "U2" on it. 
Tear Tear...
OK, her birthday this year also lined up with her very first baton performance during halftime of the girls basketball game in Chelsea.  She was so nervous, and I a so happy I made it back from Dothan that day to see her perform.  I walked in, and thought I may have missed it, but she saw me, and quickly told me to run and sit with Mom.  Then a birthday dinner at Habeneros (ugh...she and her mom love this place...and we love them...).  Fun little celebration, but her Tea Party was right around the corner...

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