Friday, November 17, 2017

Ruby Daddy Days

I had a few extra off days this fall and Magan was busy with pictures, so we ended up with many "Ruby Daddy" days with just me and her...and yes, I tend to want to take her to fun places on our Ruby Daddy days, and yes...she smiles up at me and I can't tell her no.  Well, this day we decided to go to the zoo.  I just wish I could catch her smile and laughter when she feeds those flamingos.  "It tickles my hand" she squeals with laughter as each flamingo comes up to eat the food from her hand.  And my scared little girl that is too afraid to walk into the reptile house, has those big scary looking birds walk right up and bite those pieces of food right out of her hand.  So funny to bites yet, altho that would probably be the end of her bravery.  Teenage girls were amazed at Ruby as they quickly just threw the food down when the flamingos got close.  Oh, and all those wooden princesses...I only shared two...but she had to have a picture...with each one.  After the zoo, we went and had lunch at the original full moon downtown, then took granddaddy a surprise moon dog.  Fun are all the Ruby Daddy days.  

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