Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Field Trip with Belle

My first field trip with one of the girls.  Well, I don't know if I have gone on many with any of the kids, this usually falls on Mom.  And I figured Anabelle would usually want Mom there with her, but she seemed excited to have Dad with her for a change, and Magan had been on this field trip to American Village several times before...so off I went. 
I was a chaperone, and that included me having to watch Anabelle and Brooke.  I guess that is all that I could manage, but there was almost more parents there than kids.  We immediately found Belle's BFF Hannah and began our tour of the area.  I have never done this, so the miniature diorama of American History was probably the coolest thing there.  Lots of little scenes of our history with little dolls.  I just had to take a picture of the Lincoln scene from Fords Theater.  The little hand with the gun poking thru the curtain, was darkly humorous. 
Anabelle was chose by one of the lead pilgrims to present the Chief with a present, so she had to hold the knife on our long hike out to Indian territory, then bow to present him with our gift.  Fortunately the chief accepted our presents, and then they came back eat a big feast with pilgrims.  And this is the story of Thanksgiving.  They usually end the story before the introducing the Indians to alcohol, taking all their land, then building casinos on the area remaining...but the first part fits much better for 2nd grade field trips.  

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