Friday, November 3, 2017

Vinsant Campout

So Magan had never camped out before the Rickwood Caverns trip, and now she was camping out a second time in less than a month.  The Annual Vinsant campout had been cancelled two years ago because of all the rain, then last year was cancelled because of the drought, and this year when it looked like there may be a shower coming thru, Mr. Vinsant said we are having it no matter what, and it worked out well, the weather was perfect and no rain...or a little rain, but by that time we were in the tent snuggled up. 
We had deer burgers, deer steaks, deer sausage, hot dogs...and lots of marshmallows.  Mr. Britt brought a covered wagon and took the kids all over his farm and the vinsants farm.  His son Beau actually rode a horse over to the campout.  I mean there are really people that still do that.  Really neat.  Horse was tied to a tree all night near our tent.  About 50 folks there singing praises to God, but most left and didn't spend the night.  We had a good night of sleep, altho Magan said she was rolling off the blow up mattress.  In the morning, we had some black eggs and more deer sausage.  Davis caught a dragon fly, and Ruby had to continuously apply her makeup.  Fun Fun campout! 

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