Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Chattanooga Day 3 - Aquarium

Crazy thing happens with a family of six, sometimes the family membership just makes more sense, and in this instance with the Aquarium, it was actually cheaper than individual tickets.  Oh well, maybe we will be back later this year, but below you are the newest members of the TN Aquarium.  So yes, we also purchased the very overpriced picture, because that is how we roll. 
Just a few of the memories...
- We laughed about Davis running into one of the glass doors last time we were here and bloodying his nose
- We all loved holding the butterflies in that room.  
- Standard picture in front of the large turtleshell that has been in our family pictures for 20 years.
- Ruby's face below as that butterfly climbs toward her face is hilarious
- Ruby finally did touch a Sturgeon fish, and I wish I would have caught her big smile, but she was very happy with herself.
- Davis was acting like an alligator if you are wondering why he is laying up on that tree below.  


Monday, March 26, 2018

Chattanooga Day 2 - Rock City

So we had one last day on our annual pass, so to make sure we got our money's worth, we first used our pass for a free showing of the Battlegrounds of Chattanooga.  Ok, glad this was free, cause this is not worth the $10/person...but it was pretty neat to see.  After that, we drove over to Rock City for their evening show of "Fairytale Nights".  This was something we wanted to do the previous year, but didn't work out.  Weather was a little iffy for awhile this year, but glad it turned out pretty nice.  We got to tour pretty much all of Rock City, but also got to enjoy all of the Fairytale bonus stuff. 
The girls loved all the characters and even some fairies.  And I was really amazed at how well everything was put together.  All of the characters even had interactions with other characters down the path, telling the kids to share messages with the next one.  We took pictures of most all of the characters, but Ruby was a little confused at the Peter Pan.  She said "He sounded like a girl" (not realizing that it was a girl and was often a role played by a girl), then I had to show her that she had actually seen peter pan and showed her the picture on my phone.  We then went into a cave where we ran into none other than Captain Hook.  Captain Hook told us he was looking for Peter Pan, and made sure none of us were his lost boys.  As we left the cave little Ruby looked up at me with big scared eyes and said "Don't show HIM that picture of peter pan". 
And all of the character were really good, including the Evil Queen that was hunting for Snow White,  Ruby and Belle went into the Evil Queen's area, where she asked if they had seen Snow White...she then let out an evil laugh.  Ruby just slowly backed out of that house and walked away.  I asked her if she was ok, and she told that when that mean lady laughed, "It scared my belly".  Then I asked her if she wanted to go back to see her again and get a picture with her, she just shook her head with a clear NO. 
Davis, Ruby and Anabelle did the archery training with "Merida" from brave, at least that is what Ruby called her.  She reminded us that we had missed Merida at Disneyworld, so we did this training for $5 and got each some arrows and bows.  Which was fun for them, but then they ended up all in the backpack with me, and carrying 3 very tall bows in a backpack in places like a Fat Man's Squeeze or many tunnels...well, it was difficult. 
Ended our trip with a visit to the Starbucks at the top of the mountain, always fun to See Rock City!