Saturday, March 17, 2018

Pinewood Derby

We finally made it through a full set of races with NO wheels lost.  Davis cut it out the week of the race, sanded it down, weighed it out, and painted it.  We were late, but I was proud of Davis and this car more than any of his previous cars.  He did all the work on this one, I just had one of the derby experts make us some special glue for the wheels that would not allow a wheel to be lost.  

Everyone had a good time, and Sam helped with the adults in the races, but we were having some technical difficulties and even had to start watching the finish line and identifying winners manually.  Luckily, this worked parents seem to get more worked up than scouts at this event.  Davis did NOT get last place, and from what I heard, he even got second place in one race.  Sam and I left to teach lashing to some AHG girls, but Magan and the rest of the crew had clean up duty, and from the pictures looks like everyone had fun.  

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